Will My Grade 1 Child be isolated?
With the COVID-19 situation evolving, many parents are concerned about their child’s safety in a school setting. And rightfully so. There’s something terrifying about putting your child in a vulnerable situation that could open them up for infection. So now you’re looking for satisfactory, homeschool alternatives for your grade 1 child that will measure up or surpass their current education. Well, you’re in the right place. Schoolio offers only the best materials for you and your child.
So, you’ve found an exceptional curriculum that follows grade 1 Ontario curriculum but you’re still struggling with doubts about homeschooling your child. What concerns are you struggling with?
Could it be the social aspect of homeschooling? I think that’s honestly the number one concern that I hear from parents when they’re considering homeschooling. ‘I don’t want my child to miss out on the social aspect of school.’ And fair enough, the stereotypical aspect of home school, would make you believe that children can’t be socialized while homeschooling. But I’m here to tell you that’s just not the case.
My children have an excellent social network. In fact, my daughter has more friends than I do. But how? And where do they meet these friends? Every city has a homeschool group, or sometimes more than one. (And if your town doesn’t have one – start one!) These homeschool groups are run by talented individuals who care about the mental and educational well-being of your child. They care about their education and most importantly, their safety. Our local homeschool group has many different opportunities for socialization. Like ‘Bubble Homeschool Gymnastics’, where the children are joining a bubble of other children to have weekly gymnastics classes together. There are also art classes at art studios like, 4 cats! Swimming lessons, park dates, co-ops, French tutoring with other home school students, Soccer, outdoor PE, and the list goes on and on.
There’s absolutely no reason your child can’t be socialized. There are so many different opportunities for them to get out there and make friends/see friends. When most people think of home school, they think of children out on a country farm, sitting in a field playing with sticks, never seeing other people or kids and possibly also having their education completely neglected. But guess what? That’s completely not the way!
When COVID-19 hit and quarantine began, many people got a taste of having their children home for school. And it probably confirmed their beliefs that homeschool is isolating, but how could it not be in that situation? That was called ‘Isolation schooling’, not home school. Homeschool is a much better, wholesome experience. So, let’s not make the mistake of putting isolation schooling and homeschooling in the same category. They’re so different.
You’re worried that maybe your child won’t be getting the same mental stimulation and education as in school? Well, my friend, that’s also not the case. Schoolio takes education very seriously, while making it fun and enjoyable for your child. Following strict grade 1 Ontario Curriculum, you have absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to making sure your child is learning the right amount of material.
Maybe you’re afraid that you won’t be a good teacher, or that you won’t be able to handle that extra pressure on your own. First of all, don’t doubt yourself. You are a brilliant human being that makes the best decisions – like choosing to homeschool your child and utilizing Schoolio to accomplish that. Schoolio cares about you and your child. We are here to help. If you have any issues with your curriculum or questions about the content – just ask!
If you are able to stay home with your child, then deciding to homeschool them will always be a wonderful decision. Sure, you’ll have some tough days, some days that you just want to end. But each day gives you another opportunity to help your child learn and grow, and that’s a gift. Don’t let the little worries stop you from doing something that you know would be beneficial for your child. You are a champion, and you are going to rock this thing.
Jaymee Davis is a stay at home/work at home/ homeschool mama. She believes in your ability to teach your children from home, and aims to help you reach this goal.