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Grade 3: Math


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Grade 3 Math can be really fun!  As soon as most people hear the word ‘Math’ they immediately begin to feel queasy, but that’s not the case with our Math! Every lesson was created to help your child enjoy their Math journey while making sure you enjoy the process also.

Let’s use patterns as an example: In our Grade 3 Math Homeschool Curriculum, Lesson 4, your student will learn how to translate patterns in a fun and interactive way. Because repetition and having fun are two key components that are needed to help your child not only learn, but remember the concepts.

With our Grade 3 Math Homeschooling lessons you’ll always find a Discussion section, an example, and an activity for your child to partake in. And, we make sure to cover the Ontario Curriculum and Canadian Curriculum Homeschool guidelines to keep your child right on track with their education. Take a closer look at the example above. Do you see how the layout of this lesson is simple and easy to understand? It’s created that way to help you – the teacher- teach it in such a way that you both understand.

We never want you to feel overwhelmed by teaching, and so we’ve kept you in mind while this curriculum was written for you and your child. There’s many other fun lessons and reviews to cover in Grade 3 Math Homeschool Curriculum. And you’ll find that with each and every lesson you will never be disappointed by the format of the lessons, or the content within. We hope more than anything that you enjoy using our Grade 2 Math Homeschool Curriculum. Always remember, we here at Schoolio care about you.


Please *NOTE* the release dates for the Grade 3 curriculum:

Grade 3 Math Homeschooling:

  • Numbers – AVAILABLE – (Download Sample)
  • Algebra – AVAILABLE
  • Data – AVAILABLE
  • Spatial Sense – AVAILABLE
  • Financial Literacy – AVAILABLE

Each subject includes:

  • A full curriculum with daily lessons, exercises and activities, for the entire school year
  • Includes new Math Curriculum sections for Financial Literacy and Coding
  • Worksheets and exercises
  • Answers Included