When Homeschooling is Hard.
When you were considering homeschooling you probably heard the experienced home school moms says “We finish school in a couple hours, then the rest of the day is play time.” So, when you
Welcome: Schoolio Planning Freebies
What do you need to accomplish in each day when homeschooling? How can you keep your homeschool on track and set realistic goals that can be easily obtained without throwing you into a
The Homeschooling Mindset.
When it comes to living a happy life, experts agree that mindset is key. Changing your mindset to one of positivity is essential in your life journey, but what about your homeschool journey?
Let’s Talk About: Planning
When I talk about planning, I’m planning in two different ways: Long-Range and Short-Range. My Long-Range plans are my overall scope for the entire year, which I do before the year begins. My
Why Does My Child Hate Reading?
Picture this, you're at the library struggling to find books for your child who hates reading. When another mom has her kid come sit with her. Her kid looks probably 2 - 3