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homeschool Tag

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What does Homeschooling during the holidays look like? Many new homeschooling parents are wondering the same thing. Do you take a two-week break like the school-boards do? Or you do take the full month of December? Should you homeschool right

Scheduling, scheduling, scheduling. The word schedule can often bring up a large amount of anxiety in many people's minds. Why? Because, if you've ever over scheduled yourself or under scheduled yourself, you'll know that it's either burn out or the

Picture this, you're at the library struggling to find books for your child who hates reading. When another mom has her kid come sit with her. Her kid looks probably 2 - 3 years younger than yours. And she says

With the COVID-19 situation not resolving, many parents have had to make some difficult decisions. They have had to decide whether of not to place their children back in the public school system or to do remote learning at home