5 Tips To Avoiding Homeschool Burnout | How To Avoid Homeschooling Burnout
You probably already know that parenting is tough! It was tough, long before the year 2020. However, this year has taught many parents how to be more adaptable, how to homeschool, how to keep your kid calm when you feel
What’s a Learning Pod?
Whether you are a new homeschooler or an old homeschooler, "Learning Pods" seems to be a ‘new’ aspect of homeschooling for everyone. So, what is a Learning Pod? According to www.learning-pods.com, Learning Pods are characterized as being, "Small group learning with an experienced
The Canadian Homeschooler
You aren't the only one who feels like they just aren't mastering this homeschooling gig. In fact, there's hundreds of parents who are second guessing themselves and feeling super low. It's really hard to manage life, work and homeschool on
That Homeschool Stress Though!
When you first thought of the idea to homeschool your children you probably imagined yourself being the next Elizabeth Thatcher, cultivating a great relationship with your kids. Helping them learn in a fun way with a big smile painted across
Why Your Kids Are Driving You Nuts.
You’re now a few weeks into homeschooling and hopefully by now you’ve started to find a groove. Or you’ve learned 82 ways that DON’T work and you’re still searching for a peaceful rhythm. Let me ask you this: Are your kids driving
When Homeschooling is Hard.
When you were considering homeschooling you probably heard the experienced home school moms says “We finish school in a couple hours, then the rest of the day is play time.” So, when you shifted your mindset, to actually stay home
The Homeschooling Mindset.
When it comes to living a happy life, experts agree that mindset is key. Changing your mindset to one of positivity is essential in your life journey, but what about your homeschool journey? Sathish Bala -CEO of Schoolio- asked Lindsey