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ontarioeducation Tag

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You’re now a few weeks into homeschooling and hopefully by now you’ve started to find a groove. Or you’ve learned 82 ways that DON’T work and you’re still searching for a peaceful rhythm. Let me ask you this: Are your kids driving

With the COVID-19 situation not resolving, many parents have had to make some difficult decisions. They have had to decide whether of not to place their children back in the public school system or to do remote learning at home

I read a question from another homeschool mama that went something like this, 'How do you balance teaching more than one child in different grade levels at the same time?' I have three children, ages 9.5, 7.5 and (almost)

Hey Lindsey, what's the difference between Socialization and Socializing when it comes to Homeschooling?  Ah socialization, the most common question asked of the seasoned homeschooler. It’s asked by grandparents and aunts and uncles and family friends and strangers at the grocery